Theming an organizations’s technotes

Technotes are intended to be branded and customized by each organization that creates and publishes theme. The general steps for creating a technote theme are:

  1. Create a Python package that individual technote projects can import (such as from PyPI, conda-forge, or even GitHub). This package needs to include technote as a dependency. For example, Rubin Observatory uses Documenteer (lsst-sqre/documenteer) as its theme package.

  2. Create a configuration module that imports the base technote configuration and then appends any additional Sphinx configurations.

    from technote.sphinxconf import *
    # Add additional configurations below

    For an example, see Documenteer’s configuration module.

    To access metadata and configuration from technote.toml, use the T variable exported from technote.sphinxconf, which is an instance of TechnoteSphinxConfig.

  3. Add custom CSS. Declare the CSS file in your package to the html_static_path variable in the Sphinx configuration module, and then append the name of that CSS file to the html_css_files list in the Sphinx configuration module.

  4. Add Jinja custom templates that override the built-in ones from technote (see the templates on GitHub). Declare the directory in your package containing these templates to the templates_path variable in the Sphinx configuration module.

  5. Set the logos and the logos’ links by setting html_theme_options. For example:

    html_theme_options = {
        "light_logo": "rubin-imagotype-color-on-white-crop.svg",
        "dark_logo": "rubin-imagotype-color-on-black-crop.svg",
        "logo_link_url": "",
        "logo_alt_text": "Rubin Observatory logo",

    Don’t forget to declare the path locations of image assets in your package to the html_static_path variable in the Sphinx configuration module.